Cameron Norrie Tennis Gear | Racquet Point

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Luxilon Alu Power 125 Tennis String - Racquet Point

Find out what racquet does Cameron Norrie use. Find Norrie's strings, tennis bag, and more!

Get at Racquet Point, the tennis gear that the Top Ten tennis player, Cameron Norrie, plays with.

Cameron Norrie Tennis Gear


ATP Player Profile

Tennis Gear

Height: 6' 2" Racquet: Babolat Pure Strike 16x19 3rd Gen
Weight: 181 lbs Bag: Babolat Pure Strike 12RH
Plays: Left-Handed, Two-Handed Backhand Strings: Luxilon Alu Power 125

Coach: Facundo Lugones

Apparel: KSwiss
Nationality: Great Britain Shoes: KSwiss